Hi! Welcome to Skysong Editorial.
I am a book coach and editor who is drawn to stories that are heartfelt and hopeful. The kind of story that has a pervasive sense of generosity or positivity, like sunshine through a canopy of trees. If you’ve got a story like that, let’s talk.
I love to coach fantasy, science fiction, adventure, and slice-of-life. Stories that feature resilient characters and healthy relationships are a plus.
Bonus points if there’s a dragon.
Get Clarity
See the heart of your story.
Maybe you have an inkling of an idea. Maybe you’re stuck.
Whatever you’ve got, this one-page summary puts a story’s metadata into perspective, using Author Accelerator’s Mini Blueprint. It’s all about seeing the finished book your story will become. To that end, this exercise can expand on an idea, re-energize a story that’s stuck, or lead into focused revisions.
Price for this package is $150. It includes the Mini Blueprint (which you will fill out and return), written feedback, and a follow-up coaching session.
Get Feedback
Kickstart the next phase.
Not sure how to revise or whether you’re ready to query?
Get an unbiased evaluation of your story’s strengths and weaknesses. I focus on plot, characters, and narrative drive, among other factors, to give you feedback that’s designed to help you see the way your story flows.
Price for this package starts at $2,500 for a 75K word count manuscript (longer and shorter work can be accommodated). You will receive an editorial letter with my detailed feedback and next steps, followed by a coaching session to discuss and answer any questions.
Let’s work together.
Ready to take your story to the next level? Fill out the form below to get started.